The Benefits
Great Looking Skin
Discovered in the early 1800s, these amazing fish have been reported to be beneficial in battling skin diseases, muscle trauma and joint diseases, as well as rheumatic and neurological disorders. People suffering from Psoriasis have seen results after therapeutic sessions with the Garra Rufa over a period of time spent in the spa waters.
Garra Rufa massages is enormously beneficial on several different levels. Clients receive unique natural skin care at a fair price, while spa and salon owners reap the benefits of offering such an innovative and special service. For many spas and salons the inclusion of Garra Rufa massages may be far less expensive than employing staff. After all, these little guys can easily do the work of several people.
Facilities that include Garra Rufa massages in their services can offer clients
- A total natural and organic form of exfoliation
- Relief from psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema
- Smoother, healthier skin that is prepared for better moisturizer absorption
- Oxygenated and promoted blood circulation
- Stimulating acupuncture points
- Lightening and vanishing of minor scars
- Removal of corns calluses and bunions
- Non invasive skin detoxifier
- A general sense of well being relaxation and rejuvenation

Laughter Therapy
Everybody can do with a good laugh once in a while, what better way than to enjoy a good laugh and having your feet tickled by little fish.
The ambiance in a Garra Rufa spa is that of enjoyment and interaction as clients share a giggle with the persons next to them. Roaring laughter is not uncommon in fish spas. Some people will laugh 'till their tears come out, no money can pay for that.

Doctor Fish treatment
15 minute nibble R150
30 minute nibble R280
Doctor Fish With pedicure
15 min nibble with pedicure – R330 (total time 45min)
30 min nibble with pedicure – R460 (total time 60min)
Doctor Fish With massage and pedicure
15 min nibble with massage and pedicure – R 580 (total time 75min)
30 min nibble with massage and pedicure – R700 (total time 90min)

Does it hurt?
If you're concerned about the fish biting you, don't. Garra Rufa Fish unlike the Chin Chin or fish supplied by other sources than ourselves doesn't have teeth and is incapable of biting or to damage your skin, the sensation you get is ticklish at the most as the Garra Rufa rids you off unsightly dead skin cells by sucking on the dead skin. The sensation of garra Rufa is therefore completely painless.
Can the Garra Rufa transmit any diseases?
Dr Hilary Kirkbride, consultant epidemiologist at the HPA in the UK, said: 'Provided that good standards of hygiene are followed by salons, members of the public are unlikely to get an infection from a fish spa pedicure, however the risk will be higher for certain people.'
Dr Kilbride said salons should first check their clients have no underlying health conditions that could put them at risk, and thoroughly examine their feet to make sure there are no cuts, grazes or infectious skin conditions.
Dr Paul Cosford, the HPA's director of health protection services, added: 'If a member of the public is concerned about the level of cleanliness of a salon they visit, they should report this to their local environmental health department.'
The HPA guidance has been endorsed by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health and the Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland.
Although the Garra Rufa fish is known for their ability to assist in the healing of psoriasis and eczema, it is advised that clients with open wounds or underlying infectious skin conditions must not be allowed in the treatment tanks. The water of the treatment tank must be changed completely if a person with a skin condition was treated. This will minimize the risk of the HIV virus being transmitted from one person to the other:
- Two people don't share a treatment tank at the same time.
- Genuine Garra Rufa doesn't have teeth and cannot damage skin.
- Clients feet are examined, no open wounds or underlying infectious skin conditions are allowed in the treatment tanks.
- The HIV virus doesn't live outside the human body.
- The water gets sterilized between treatments.
People stand a better chance to be infected by the HIV virus on a public toilet seat than putting it into one of our Garra Rufa treatment tanks.
Prior to treatment, Clients feet will be carefully washed with clean water and examined to ensure the utmost hygiene before the placing of their feet in a treatment tank.
Each person will be given their own individual fish tank. Sterilized water constantly flows through each tank to ensure that the process is as hygienic as possible. We pride ourselves in maintaining an unrivalled standard of hygiene and customer care, our Spa tanks are state of the art and every effort is made to ensure our fish and equipment receive the best level of care by the qualified staff. We equip our tanks with powerful filtration system which cleans the water. We also use a system similar to that found in public swimming pools. It's an ultraviolet light system which works by killing 99.9o/o of any bacteria present in the water